Friday, July 11, 2008


Caitlin and I went to get her pet hedgehog today. He is still pretty small cause he is only 5 weeks old. He is really, really cute though. He is very adventurous and curious and not nearly as shy as I thought he would be. He really dislikes Caitlin's Mom though. He curled completely into a ball and stuck is quills straight out. He then bit her when she picked him up. I thought it was funny. A little while ago he also pooped on her dad. I don't think he meant anything by it though.

You'll notice I keep calling him "him" or "he" because he doesn't have a name yet. We can't think of what to call him. If you have any ideas make sure to leave them in the comments.

Mood: Cudly

Thursday, July 10, 2008


I Guess I'll Have to Get an IPhone...damn...

Today while I was at work I must have crashed into something. At the end of the day I pulled my phone out of my pocket to check the time (watches are for losers) and the small screen on the front wasn't working! This really pisses me off. Already I have a pretty basic phone but it was in good shape and worked well. Without the front screen though, this phone is trash.

I want to get an IPhone a new phone that isn't too expensive and is rather nice. I don't really know anything about what phones are available though. I guess I'll just keep my crappy one for the summer and then worry about it in the fall. I don't really have any money anyway.

Mood: Distraught!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Hiccup! (No 'S')

So today while I was working I managed to get the hiccups hiccup. That's right I hiccuped just once. One single, lonely hiccup. It sounds pretty uneventful but that's because you haven't heard what followed. Right after my single hiccup I felt like I was going to hiccup more but couldn't. This was accompanied by some of the worst chest pain I have ever felt. It lasted for about 20 minutes then slowly dissipated. Weird, I know.

Mood: Whimsical

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Caitlin and I went and saw Wall-E tonight. I thought that while it started off a little slow, it definitely delivered by the end. Probably up there with the best of Pixar, I was really impressed with how they get the story and feelings across with characters incapable of speech.

There were several children in the theatre(it is for the kiddies you know) and at times it's pretty rough goings for Wall-E. There is one moment in the movie where a child actually jumped out of his chair and screamed because he cared so much for Wall-E's safety. Pretty impressive when you consider that Wall-E can't speak.

All in all I say it's a can't miss. Feel free to wait until it hits dvd or blu-ray if you'd rather see action packed movies on the big screen but you're screwing yourself if you don't get around to seeing this one.

Mood: Impressed

Monday, July 7, 2008

Cold Storage?!? More like Cold Suckage!

Just played some of the Bungie Day Halo playlist on the new map. It was my first time playing Halo since I finished school this year. That may not seem like a long time to some of you but during school I played everyday. Also it turns out that if you don't use it, you lose it. I know because I sucked royally. I did win a round of swords but I've always been the master of swords and with Bumper Jumper on its not even fair for the other players. I'm pretty sure in that match I managed to kill two guys with one sword lunge. After that I played a round of BR starts and got smoked. It was kinda embarrassing. Getting ready for bed now cause I work tomorrow(insert farting sound).

Mood: Embarrassed due to lack of skillz(note the "z").


I was just on, the website for the creators of Halo(where have you been?), because today is Bungie Day! Every year on July 7th (07/07) they celebrate Bungie day because Bungie loves the number 7. It's weird, I know. Anywho, there is come craziness going on in the forums because a new person has been posting over the last couple months with the rank of Superintendent and fancy green text. I know it seems weird but Bungie fans eat this shit up. So now everyone is trying to find new info on this guy and who he is. Some people think he may end up being a new character from a platformer they are working on. Others think that he is pointing to them re-making an old Halo 2 map called Terminal cause it had a subway and he frequently says things like "Your tax dollars at work" and things you can hear in the background of the Halo 2 map.

He also has a little picture showing up everywhere. It has appeared on Bungie Employee shirts, during videos made by Bungie, on the Bungie webcam, and other misc. places. I for one am very intrigued and I hope it turns out to be the platformer thing. That would be awesome!

Mood: Intrigued...very Intrigued(Insert thinking pose including chin scratch)

He's a big-shot owner guy.

Today I received my first ever share certificate in the mail. I am now and official owner of Fortis Inc. I plan on using this singular share to join Fortis' Dividend Re-Investment and Share Purchase Plan. Then I will be able to buy shares without paying any fees and my dividends will be used to buy more shares at a discounted price. Then later I can sell all the shares at(hopefully) a higher price than I payed for them and make some money. Cool. Making money is neat when you don't really have to do any work.

Mood: Financial

Andrew's Lunch Capers

My brother is kind of not all there. Especially in the morning when he just wakes up, which makes for some interesting times at work. See Andrew is too lazy to bother making his lunch the night before(I am too!), so often he is left to quickly throw one together in the morning. Often something microwavable(hurray for Free Radicals!!).

Now these food stuffs require utensils to eat, especially when fresh out of the microwave, but often Andrew is too rushed to remember to bring one. It usually takes until lunchtime for him to realize he doesn't have a fork or spoon. If I have one I will lend it to him but often I don't bring one cause I don't need one(I eat a lot of pizza pops).

So far there have been three times that he has forgot and hasn't been able to borrow one. The first time he needed a spoon. After asking me and searching all through his lunch bag and the lunchroom, he decided he would buy a cup of Chinese noodles out of the vending machine cause they came with a spoon. It cost him $2.50 to eat his packed lunch that day and I'm pretty sure he still has the noodles.

The second time it was a fork that he forgot. See he had a chicken pie that you leave in the box when you microwave. Deciding not to spend money to eat his own lunch, he fashioned a make-shift spoon out of the cardboard box. It was basically just a folded piece of cardboard that he used like a scoop. Quite humorous.

The third and most recent time(today in fact) he was attempting to eat left-over beef stir fry. When he realized he had no utensil, he of course cursed his face off and then looked everywhere for something to help him eat. After searching my lunch bag and his own pockets, he decided to use the two pens he found as chop sticks. Suffice it to say they were pretty disgusting after he was done with them. The grossest part is that he had been using his pen all day to write on his time card, and I'm pretty sure he cleaned it off and continued to use it after lunch. Now I don't know how messy his hands get when he works but I know that mine are just covered in grease when I go to write on my time card.

All in all it was pretty disgusting. I'm hoping he can get even more creative the next time he forgets...oh yes there will be a next time.

Mood: Happy

Sunday, July 6, 2008


My sister's dog cut a turd on my bedroom floor today. I left a note for her to clean it up when she got home but of course she still isn't home so I had to clean it up. I'm very unimpressed right now as you can imagine. I personally believe that there is no way in hell Amanda should have a dog. She is way too irresponsible!! The dog is teaching her things and she does seem happy and not such a bitch but she can barely look after it. She is too busy having a life and everything so whoever is home gets left looking after the dog. The problem is that my dad is more than willing to look after him. I really think my dad should have stepped up and not let Amanda keep the dog. He's also chewed on one of my 360 controllers and ruined my Rock Band guitar. I don't even know who to blame because apparently this happened when she wasn't looking after him!!! I try and say its her fault cause its her dog but she wont listen. It's just total balls.

Mood: Pissed Off

Fun, Fun, for Everyone

I'm at Caitlin's house right now. We just finished dinner and now we're in her room. She is cleaning up because she just set up her hedgehog cage and it takes up a lot of space. I can't wait for her to get her little hedgehog! I have seen pictures and he is so cute!

I haven't been blogging very much because I've been busy doing a whole lot of nothing. My week off is coming to a close and of course I got pretty much nothing constructive done. Oh well. I'm sure once I'm back to work it will be regular updates from me. I'm going to write more about news and current events and stuff. Cause I wanna get better at writing like a journalist or something.

Mood: Content